A selection of the very best of Galloway Smokehouse fare. Enough for a whole family to enjoy over the festive period.
All of the contents are suitable for freezing.
The selection is as follows:
- 200g sliced smoked salmon
- 2 x hot smoked trout fillets
- 1 x pair of kippers
- 200g smoked mussels
- 250g smoked bacon
- 350g smoked venison sausage
- 250g smoked cheddar
- 1 x tub of smoked salmon pate
- 1 x smoked chicken breast
- 100g sliced smoked venison
- 100g sliced smoked duck
- 350g pack of smoked chicken sausages
Packed in an insulated polystyrene box – price includes delivery (please see our delivery page for qualifying delivery areas)